年末の挨拶? カレンダー配り?!





今朝のニュースに大阪の橋下徹市長が初登庁するとある。 この年末年始は、戦いだと思う。市長もそうだが、そこで働く市の職員も戦場の気持ちだと思う。


どう戦うか勝負するか? ビジネスを考えずに、クリスマスを正月をどう楽しむか? 無心で過ごしたい!  これからどう生きようと悩む人、 来年はこう生きようと気持ちは来年にいっていたり、 いろんな人がいると思う。





この時期、「年末の挨拶回り」ということがある。これをバカな営業マン「カレンダー配り」と言ってしまう。 なんとも仕事の意識ゼロの営業マンである。 更には、それが面倒でカレンダーを送り付けることまでしてしまう。

考えられない! 挨拶をカレンダー配りと完全に間違えている。 許せん行為でる。




 今年の反省をしてるかもしれない! でも、まだあきらめられず年内ギリギリまで勝負しないといけない経営者の方がこの不況には多いと思う。 いやっ経営者じゃなくてビジネスマン全体に当てはまるかもしれない。


持って行くのは、カレンダーでは無く、やっぱり提案である! 相手への思いやりだ。


  • 今年何をしてあげられたか?(何を提案したのか?)
  • その成果はどうだったのか?
  • 来年はどのようにお手伝い(提案)してあげられるか?



だって、年内に注文をもらうと納品は年明けになる。 その納品に対し年末年始に夢が膨らんだりする。その納品後、そのお客様企業の売上が一気に伸びる。弊社のシステムが支援できたお陰で・・・





  1. かやの としみ

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  13. hic

    If you have the feeling you need to sharpen up your game then Pokercode is a great place to start. Sign up for a free account and set your first steps towards becoming a better poker player. Some very obvious candidates are hands like AQs, AJs, ATs, KQs, and KJs, in any of the three suites represented on the flop. Each of these hands has the potential to turn a flush draw, with some of them also having the potential to turn a straight draw. Ang Baccarat ay tinaguriang pinakamagandang gamling game. Ito ay naka-hati sa dalawa, ang “player” o manlalaro at ang “dealer”. Ang manlalaro ay tatayo lamang sa tatlong opsyon: sa kampo ng player, dealer, o ‘di kaya “draw”. Ang pinakamalapit mong makukuha na panalo ay nasa 9 (siyam). Most players consider backdoor draws too frequently in their decision-making process. Hopefully, this column has shown some of the drawbacks. Even in those cases in which you are trying to justify a call, note that you won’t get a lot of value out of backdoor draws when you hold only one card of the backdoor-flush suit in your hand.
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  14. hic

    A committee of U.K. lawmakers harshly rebuked former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Thursday, saying he lied to Parliament about lockdown-flouting parties and was complicit in a campaign to intimidate those investigating his conduct during the coronavirus pandemic. When it comes to the multipliers, each with a max line win of 100x. MicroGaming, the shape of the game changes with each re-spein. For instance, with on-screen graphics adding to the information displayed on your computer. There are also colossal bonus symbols, Genesis Gaming & Beyond have released close to 100 video pokies. Youll need to find software solutions designed to work in your browser instead of as downloads, all inspired by different forms of media. In Vegas Strip Blackjack, culture.
    Get the latest bonus codes for Fruity Casa Casino There’s a usual obstacle that may result in delays whilst taking out funds at Fruity Casa. That particular matter comes from the moment when you’ve lately joined the casino and you are in the course of getting your new account authenticated. In such a case, you could notice the Fruity Casa withdrawal pending. However, payouts can be a bit slow – and it’s unfortunate that the no deposit bonus at Fruity Casa is not available in the UK. Once you’ve used up your 50 free no deposit spins at 21 Casino, you make a deposit and enjoy the 121% match deposit welcome bonus up to the amount of $ €300. The minimum deposit that makes you eligible for the welcome bonus is just $ €10 and there is a 35x playthrough requirement. But those initial 50 free spins for Narcos are completely free – you don’t need a deposit to get them.

  15. roaws

    BetMGM Casino boasts a large assortment of poker, online slots, and table games, making it a premier place to play. Specifically, the live dealer blackjack is highly engaging and closely simulates a real-life casino experience. BetMGM Casino’s customer service was reasonable, and occasional tech issues have room for improvement. The state-switcher feature of the BetMGM app is excellent for those who travel often and want to play on the go. Lastly, it’s tough to beat the $25 no-deposit bonus that BetMGM offers for new players. The BetMGM wagering requirements are simple: It’s available for new users in a legal betting state and you must be at least 21 years old. The minimum deposit is $10. Real money online casinos can sometimes offer dozens – even hundreds – of game variations. Use the tabs below to find the best sites to win money for each of the casino games, while you can also follow these links to access our learning guides and discover the best gameplay strategies. This will help increase your chances of winning real cash online.
    A no deposit bonus from an online casino is almost always tagged along with a bigger welcome promo of some kind—one that actually requires a deposit to benefit from. Unfortunately, not every online casino brand offers a no deposit bonus attached to their welcome promo. You’ll find the best sign-up bonuses available in Pennsylvania below, with the sites that offer a no deposit bonus listed first: Diamond Reels No Deposit Bonus 35 Free Chips Diamond Reels Casino is offering an exciting no deposit bonus of 35 free chips to players. Simply use the bonus code HOT35… Caesars Online Casino gifts new users a first real-money deposit match of 200%, up to $200 with promo code ‘SLPENNC10’. This means that you can make a maximum deposit of $100. If you deposit $100, Caesars will give you $200 (200%) in casino credits. Not only that, but you’ll instantly receive a $10 no deposit bonus upon sign-up.

  16. lok

    Astfel, pentru primul dvs. depozit beneficiați de un cadou de 1.500 RON, urmat de alte oferte care promitem să vă țină conectat la distracție. Intrați pe pagina de promoții sau urmăriți-ne pe rețelele de socializare pentru a afla despre campaniile noastre de bonus la depunere, jackpoturi și runde gratuite la cele mai captivante jocuri. 40 Super Hot este în categoria jocuri online aparate 77777 relativ simplu de jucat, cu un număr mic de simboluri și un număr masiv de linii. Așa cum spune și numele, sunt 40 de linii de câștig, ceea ce înseamnă că sunt mult mai multe oportunități de câștig față de un joc care îți oferă doar 5 linii. Megaways este un mod de joc în care numărul de simboluri variază pe cele 6 role ale jocului ca la aparate 77777. Variația la aparate gratis este de la o rundă la alta, iar pe o rolă pot fi între 2 și 7 simboluri. Astfel, direcțiile de câștig pot depăși numărul de 100.000. Unele jocuri ca la aparate au și o rolă orizontală, care se mai numește și top tracker. Găsești și păcănele online gratis cu fructe care au implementat acest mod, precum Extra Juicy Megaways.
    Această îngrijorare trebuie să fie reală pentru toți jucătorii deoarece există site-uri online certați cu legea și care vor doar să păgubească utilizatorii, absolut fără nicio intenție bună. Singurul fel în care te poți feri de acest lucru este să joci numai la cazinouri online legale, licențiate. Danemarca este o ţară extrem de liberală atunci când vine vorba despre cazinouri, fie ele atât offline cât şi online, prin urmare şi legislaţia din această ţară este una foarte permisivă. Cetăţenilor danezi le este permis accesul în toate cazinourile daneze dar li se dă şi posibilitatea să joace la ce cazinouri doresc din toată lumea. Prin urmare, accesul la cazinouri offline şi online nu este restricţionat în nici un fel, atâta timp câte se respectă toate regulile de bun simţ şi legislaţia în vigoare.

  17. rig

    Share your creations and download maps created by others from across the world! Being the first game in the series to implement a realistic ragdoll system, players were amazed at protagonist Niko’s bounciness. The limits of the game’s engine were rigorously tested through head-on collisions through windscreens, parachute-less helicopter dives, and playing in traffic. Its success wasn’t just limited to GTA 4 though, seeing the ragdoll mechanic improve over the years in future Rockstar productions. A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map – With Roads By continuing to use this site you automatically accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions. I think only way to fully uninstall it is to Delete all the mods from mod folder then completely do a Clean Reinstall I not sure if you can delete it any other way as Most Overhaul mods completely override all files in the folders. In order for me to uninstall a old Overhaul Mod I had I had to do a Clean Reinstall. Which Requires you to completely delete the entire folder in the steam games commons folder then completely reinstall the game. I am unaware of any other method But perhaps others in here have a much better solution.
    Birthdays and holiday gifts can be so much more delicious when you give the kid in your life a great play kitchen. The best toy kitchens can help kids practice fine motor skills, teach them how to clean up their space, and show them how to play well with other chefs in the kitchen. Give us a follow and be the first to know about new arrivals, deals, promotions and giveaways! Play kitchens are more fun when kids get to look the part. This role play kit includes an apron, chef’s hat, hot pad, oven mitt, and kitchen utensils. Kids can use this set to play or to help out in the kitchen. “Pretend play typically emerges in most children between ages 2 to 3,” making that the ideal age to first introduce a play kitchen, adds Dr. Williams. However, each family’s needs are different. So, you might be ready to purchase one after your child’s first birthday or they might ask for one for their fifth birthday. Regardless, it will be a fun opportunity for them to learn and explore for years. Just be sure to pay close attention to manufacturer’s age recommendations as some play kitchens may be rated for ages 3 and up due to small pieces.

  18. cof

    In some states, notably New York, Pennsylvania and Texas, Bitcoin operators’ revenue can ultimately come from other power customers. The clearest example is Texas, where Bitcoin companies are paid by the grid operator for promising to quickly power down if necessary to prevent blackouts. In practice, they rarely are asked to shut down and instead earn additional money while doing exactly what they would have been doing anyway: seeking Bitcoin. Five operations have collectively made at least $60 million from that program since 2020, records show. In a recent report by The Citizen Newspaper, as the BRICS nations prepare for their upcoming summit in Johannesburg, South Africa‘s position and influence within the coalition come under scrutiny, raising questions about its true capacity to be an influential member.
    The Shanghai upgrade brought in a range of technical enhancements to the Ethereum platform. One of the key features introduced is the ability for users to access and unstake their Ethereum tokens that were previously locked in a smart contract as validators on the Beacon Chain. As for Ethereum potentially crashing to zero, while any investment comes with risks, Ethereum losing its entire value seems highly unlikely. Ethereum’s established presence, pioneering smart contracts, and a vast array of applications in fields like decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) provide it with a substantial base. Additionally, with the upcoming transition to Ethereum 2.0, which intends to improve scalability and security, the network is likely to maintain its relevance. Thus, while price fluctuations are part and parcel of the cryptocurrency market, a complete crash to zero seems highly improbable for Ethereum.

  19. awark

    With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world. There is no rating for applied filters By: Julia Novakovic, Senior Archivist Use the cash for fuel and repairs as well, because if your train gets too damaged in its health bar, you will lose. Repair the trains, or they EXPLODE! Two (2) to eight (8) players can play. Play with multiple groups, or the same group over and over. Two (2) to eight (8) players can play. Play with multiple groups, or the same group over and over. BoardGameGeek Game Page: Game of Trains You will start with a small set of cards, but by building a more effective deck throughout the game, you will be able to place stations and lay rails over the maps of Osaka or Tokyo. Gain enough points from your railways and you will ultimately manage the most powerful railroads in modern Japan!
    Bordeaux is part of a growing trend of gaming specialists at children’s hospitals. Often the positions are grant funded and give the hospital another tool to create a better experience for patients who need to be in the hospital short or long term. The system includes a desktop computer with a camera, special software, a wireless keyboard and a sensor arm that captures movement. Games — 26 in all — use body movement in place of a controller or joystick to direct the action on the screen. In addition to driving a mine cart, players can build towers, climb rock walls, fly planes and race cars. Earn 3,000 Reward Points$30.00 Playable with installed SuperNova Player. A larger game that is a current Sam favourite is Ice Team, where you play polar bears racing from one end of a water channel to the other collecting fish on the way; for those who fancy a collaborative game where you play as a team, we really can’t recommend Forbidden Island enough (although a little more detailed, so better for older children rather than younger ones).

  20. chuff

    Frente a estas caídas, “los inversores minoristas están claramente buscando oportunidades donde pueden encontrarlas”, apunta Peters, quien recuerda que, “aunque aún está por ver el alcance exacto y las implicaciones de la actual crisis bancaria estadounidense, los inevitables ecos de 2008 han hecho que muchos anticipen un cambio en la suerte de los criptoinversores y una reactivación del uso del bitcoin en particular”. En 3 semanas. Prevision del Bitcoin para el viernes 29 de septiembre: precio 24792, máximo 26527, mínimo 23057. Bitcoin prevision para el lunes 2 de octubre: precio 25187, máximo 26950, mínimo 23424. Prevision del Bitcoin para el martes 3 de octubre: precio 25159, máximo 26920, mínimo 23398. Bitcoin prevision para el miércoles 4 de octubre: precio 25098, máximo 26855, mínimo 23341. Prevision del Bitcoin para el jueves 5 de octubre: precio 25288, máximo 27058, mínimo 23518.
    Al ser una blockchain PoS (prueba de participación), Algorand puede sostener el desarrollo de aplicaciones descentralizadas (dApps) y proporcionarles escalabilidad. También permite a los desarrolladores usar el protocolo Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) para crear nuevos tokens o transferir tokens existentes al ecosistema de Algorand. Por ejemplo, las monedas estables como USDT y USDC también existen como ASA en la blockchain Algorand. Antes del lanzamiento, Algorand llevó a cabo una oferta de tokens privada, donde los inversores pudieron adquirir tokens ALGO antes del lanzamiento público. Esta oferta de tokens privada permitió a Algorand recaudar fondos para financiar el desarrollo de la plataforma y asegurar su éxito a largo plazo.

  21. Sauck

    Per poter comprendere le cause che sono alla base della disfunzione erettile, è necessario conoscere Il meccanismo fisiologico dell’erezione. Il fenomeno dell’erezione è legato alla vascolarizzazione del pene che è regolata dal flusso del sangue nei corpi cavernosi (i due cilindri dilatabili che si trovano all’interno del pene). In condizioni di flaccidità, il sangue affluisce al pene attraverso le arterie e defluisce attraverso le vene. Gli unici due per quanto questi farmaci per via l’alternativa del colore. Quindi per queste persone morirono dopo tre a cinque volte la dose di Cialis 42 degli uomini. C’è anche un modo che la contrazione della muscolatura l’alternativa liscia del pene quindi una terapia. Stato utilizzato con successo il nostro livello in giro per l’1 delle misure di intolleranze. Come affermato dai fattori clinici di altri test era perfettamente libera da tutta l’età oscillava da subito.
    I cookie permettono il funzionamento di alcuni servizi di questo blog. Utilizzando questi servizi, accetti l’utilizzo dei cookie da parte nostra. Leggi la Privacy e Cookie Policy aggiornata al nuovo regolamento GDPR. Dal lato del metabolismo e della nutrizione: raramente – sete, edema, gotta, diabete non compensato, iperglicemia, edema periferico, iperuricemia, ipoglicemia, ipoglicemia, ipernatremia. Per alcune persone, il piacere del sesso può essere limitato da problemi finanziari: possono loro permettersi i farmaci necessari per migliorare l’erezione? Molte compagnie assicurative non coprono medicinali progettati per trattare problemi sessuali. Cosa fare in questo caso? Dal lato del metabolismo e della nutrizione: raramente – sete, edema, gotta, diabete non compensato, iperglicemia, edema periferico, iperuricemia, ipoglicemia, ipoglicemia, ipernatremia.

  22. Vielf

    Here you can add some of the preset CPUs that will be used to generate the hash and wattage values for the form below. Alternativly you can modify the presets using the ‘C’ icon or add you own by selecting -New Custom CPU- from the dop down. Presets and the current set up will be saved locally in your cookies so you can use them again next time you visit. Here you can add some of the preset CPUs that will be used to generate the hash and wattage values for the form below. Alternativly you can modify the presets using the ‘C’ icon or add you own by selecting -New Custom CPU- from the dop down. Presets and the current set up will be saved locally in your cookies so you can use them again next time you visit. The BTC Bitcoin mining profit calculator allows users to select the currency, hash rate, power application in watts, electric prices, Bitcoin price, beginning complexity, and complexity development. After entering all the data this calculator displays results for the entire profit, total income, price TH, return on expense and much more.
    Attack trends and attack vectors also continue to evolve. While ransomware continues to impact organizations, there are indications that some cybercriminals now prefer hijacking systems and using them for cryptomining rather than holding them for ransom. Most people use centralized exchanges, such as Coinbase, Crypto, Gemini, and Kraken to purchase cryptocurrencies. You’ll need to create an account and verify your identity to start trading. There may be a fee to transfer money to your account and for each trade. Recent Altcoin Rally Powered by South Korean Traders, CryptoQuant Says The stocks in this watchlist are weighted equally. Nervos Community Gears Up for First CKB Halving This article explores five top trending cryptocurrencies to keep an eye on this month, thanks to their advertised use cases and growing communities.

  23. plone

    The following entails the general rules of the ICE Casino free spins bonus: Get 20 Sign Up Free Spins at Slotonights Casino – register and upon e-mail phone number confirmation you’ll get the free spins added on “Candy Monsta” game. All winnings from this bonus will be paid with x45 wager, and this promo lasts for 3 days after activation. Below we’ve put the fairest and best mobile casino free spins bonus offers we’ve found, whether you prefer to play slots on your iPhone, iPad, tablet, Android phone or, even online. Claim the no deposit free spins bonus you wish to receive. You may be able to get your free spins instantly after signing up. Some casinos require no deposit bonus codes to claim free spin bonuses. After establishing that the online casino was safe and licensed, we checked to see if they offered a fair number of free spins. The casinos on our list offer at least 20 free spins, with some offering up to 100 or more.
    No deposit bonuses are a fantastic way for online casino players to enjoy free rewards and possibly win real money without making a deposit. However, it’s very important to understand the restrictions and conditions associated with cashing out winnings from these bonuses. In this article, we explore the most common restrictions set by casinos on cashouts from no deposit bonuses and provide valuable insights for players who are willing to maximise their winnings. If you purchase a product or register for an account through a link on our site, we may receive compensation. By using this site, you consent to our User Agreement and agree that your clicks, interactions, and personal information may be collected, recorded, and or stored by us and social media and other third-party partners in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  24. Agota

    As of February 24, 2021, the Company holds an aggregate of approximately 90,531 bitcoins, which were acquired at an aggregate purchase price of approximately $2.171 billion and an average purchase price of approximately $23,985 per bitcoin, inclusive of fees and expenses. Founder Michael Dell announces on Twitter that dell now accepts Bitcoin. Customers in the United States (only) can purchase any product listed on Dell’s online marketplace using Bitcoin. All Bitcoin transactions are to be handled by Coinbase, a Bitcoin payment processor. At a yearly revenue of $56 billion, Dell becomes the largest company to accept Bitcoin. Where lots are listed as “cryptocurrency payments,” the auction house will accept both Bitcoin and Ether as payment. There are certain restrictions, however, as payments will only be accepted through certain approved exchange wallets, including Coinbase.
    Dec. 5, 2020: The g-force from Bitcoin’s climb in 2020 would make even an experienced astronaut black out. By early December, the cryptocurrency was worth $19,045.02. That $100 would be worth $230 today. You’re doubling your money in a short time, but somehow it’s still not satisfying. The more people who use Bitcoin, the more valuable it may become. As use cases for Bitcoin are announced (for instance, a new platform says they will accept it as method of payment), its price has tended to rise. Some market participants, including exchanges, have created or are in the process of creating investment products based on Bitcoin, such as futures and mutual funds, making it accessible to a broader investor base. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. The Motley Fool reaches millions of people every month through our premium investing solutions, free guidance and market analysis on Fool, top-rated podcasts, and non-profit The Motley Fool Foundation.

  25. Gueni

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