町田方面遠征「ラーメンおやじ 町田店」@東京・町田



最近増えている、町田方面の仕事。鶏ガララーメン好きの住吉にとって、大型宿題店である「69’N’ROLL ONE」に行きたいが、平日はなかなか行きづらい・・・。

というわけで、少ない時間を利用して、この近辺で有名と言われる「ラーメンおやじ 町田店」を初訪問。







  1. きんにくオヤヂ

    なんと! わが街 町田へいらしたとは・・・ちょっと オヤヂんち 立ち寄って茶でもすすって行ってもらえばよかったに・・・立ち寄ったのは 「オヤヂ」でなく「おやじ」ですと!?

  2. ジョルス住吉

    うまい!町田は栄えていますよね~。今度行くときは声かけます! 「69’N’ROLL ONE」まだ未食ですが、ンマイらしいですよ~、よければぜひ(行列してると思いますが)。

  3. やすだ


  4. ラーメン大好き住吉三

    町田近いやすだ君、コメントサンキュ。ぜひ「69’N’ROLL ONE」も行ってみて→http://r.tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1407/A140701/14004486/

  5. Dag

    Notice a bug? Let us know here. ninety eight%eighty five Please observe that solely the most popular games from Kizi Web are in our cellular app! eighty five This game is like a big basket containing over a hundred and twenty games for you to enjoy. Each game has its unique gameplay and graphics. The format here is HTML5. There are several vibrant cards for you to find. Each card has one of your beloved characters. Collect them by playing all the different games. It offers you so much that you will be stunned. The best part here is that it is free of any in-app purchases. ✩ 4.3 · v9.3.1 We deliver the greatest HTML5 games to your mobile with lots of FUN, various and tremendous superior games that will blow your thoughts! We additionally added a colourful card collection where your can find and reveal cards of your favorite game characters! Get ready for some motion!
    GWTQuake is likely to be an informal benchmark on how well future WebGL versions perform and how developers are handling the challenges of getting traditionally full screen applications working in the browser. Instructions on how to install the GPL2 licensed port are available at the project’s page on Google Code and a video of GWTQuake running is also available. the time of the quake I joked about the matter becuase it so mild that I didn’t expect any serious damage. It turns out there as damage to Drawn Max Longitude: You simply start a server, share a link to friends and start playing! Once the guys at Google got the game running in HTML5 they were more than a little surprised to see the frame rates of around 30fps running on their laptops.


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