


8/13(日)11:00~13:00 宮下公園フットサル場Aコート


Aチーム じょるじょるFC 住吉、荒牧、木下、永田、西川 しほ
Bチーム 第プロ 梅、こしら、監督、まいろう、ガンマン、やさい えみ
Cチーム いっぽ やの、だいき、もりがき、けんじ、タプ ナカザワ


第 1試合 じょる(得点:木下×4) 4-0 第プロ 木下
第 2試合 じょる(得点:荒牧、永田) 2-3 いっぽ(得点:もりがき×3) もりがき
第 3試合 第プロ(得点:こしら、梅) 2-3 いっぽ(得点:やの、もりがき、けんじ) けんじ
第 4試合 じょる(得点:西川×2、木下) 3-0 第プロ 西川
第 5試合 じょる(得点:永田) 1-0 いっぽ 永田
第 6試合 第プロ(得点:こしら) 1-1 いっぽ(得点:けんじ) こしら
第 7試合 じょる(得点:住吉、木下、西川) 3-5 第プロ(得点:監督、ネオ★、やさい) こしら
第 8試合 じょる(得点:住吉、荒牧×2) 3-0 いっぽ 住吉
第 9試合 第プロ(得点:こしら、やさい) 2-1 いっぽ(得点:やの) やさい
第10試合 じょる(得点:永田、木下、西川) 3-0 第プロ こしら
第11試合 じょる(得点:荒牧、永田、木下) 3-0 いっぽ もりがき
第12試合 第プロ(得点:やさい、こしら) 2-3 いっぽ(得点:もりがき×2、けんじ) けんじ


優勝 じょるじょるFC 6勝0分2敗
2位 いっぽ 3勝1分4敗
3位 第プロ 2勝1分5敗


男性 木下(じょるじょるFC) 8点
女性 ネオ(第プロ) 3点


こしら(第プロ) MIP3回


超がつくほどの炎天下の中、みなさんお疲れ様でした! 最下位の第プロからMVPが出ちゃったのは何故(笑)。



  1. bak

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  2. opisp

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    Social commerce takes the best of e-commerce and combines it with social media. If you have an e-commerce brand, setting up a shopping page on these platforms will allow potential customers to easily search, discover your products, and make a purchasing decision, all without leaving the native social platform. Native Social Shopping has become so popular that Instagram added a shopping tab to the main toolbar in late 2021. LinkedIn is a professional networking site and is the top social media platform for B2B social media marketing. Its demographics skew slightly older with an age range from 30–49 making up the largest group of LinkedIn users. Note that you can usually get the username on any social media account from the web address as well. For example, Kim’s Facebook page is facebook kimkomando, which means my username is “kimkomando.”

  3. Lycle

    Die erste gute Nachricht ist allerdings, dass es kein Problem ist, eine Bitcoin Wallet anonym zu erstellen. Abgesehen von den Wallets der Krypto Börsen sind persönliche Informationen bei der Erstellung nicht notwendig. Auch das Versenden und Empfangen von BTC ist im Grunde anonym, oder besser: pseudonym. Bei Transaktionen sind keine persönliche Daten notwendig. Die Transaktionsdaten werden dennoch transparent auf der Blockchain aufgezeichnet. PINT Wallet ist eine dezentrale anonyme Bitcoin-Geldbörse, die nur auf Android verfügbar ist. Zusätzlich zu den Wallet-Funktionen verfügt es auch über einen integrierten Peer-to-Peer-Kryptowährungsmarkt. Du musst ein Benutzerkonto haben, um einen Kommentar verfassen zu können EU-Kommission will anonyme Krypto-Wallets illegalisieren
    Letztendlich kommt ihr nicht drum herum euch mindestens bei einer Börse anzumelden und zu verifizieren. Ihr könnt zwar zum Beispiel Binance auch anonym handeln allerdings nur gegen Bitcoin und Ethereum. Es ist also erforderlich, dass ihr auch bei einer Börse angemeldet seid, die es euch erlaubt Bitcoin und Ethereum gegen Euro zu tauschen und diese Börsen verlangen alle einen KYC Prozess (Know-Your-Customer) also eine Verifizierung. Google Search InterestHow often do people search for ‘Bitcoin’ vs. ‘Ethereum’ on Google. Source: Google Trends Im Vergleich zu Bitcoin ist der USDT kaumvolatil, da ein einzelner Token an den US-Dollar gebunden ist. Darüber hinaus kann USDT auch nicht dezentral gemint werden, sondern wird von der Firma Tether Limited, die ihren Hauptsitz in Hongkong hat, herausgegeben. Es handelt sich damit um einen zentralisierten Stablecoin

  4. Bed

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  6. Nom

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  7. Orext

    The no-deposit bonus is great for new players who want to try out an online casino without risking any of their own money. However, it’s important to keep in mind that no-deposit bonuses usually come with high wagering requirements and a maximum win limit. This means that you’ll need to play through the bonus a lot of times before you can withdraw any winnings, and you’ll only be able to withdraw a limited amount. New Jersey casinos tend to offer one of two bonuses without requiring a deposit: free spins bonuses on named slots or straight no deposit bonus funds. While there may be differences between the two offers, the end result can be the same if you play them wisely: cashing out winnings on top of your normal gameplay. Proper casinos offering a $10 no deposit bonus will also be licensed and regulated too. This means that you will be able to play in a safe and secure environment. On top of getting this exciting bonus, the casino will also offer a wide range of games. Better still, it’s likely that there will be additional bonuses and promotions for you to claim down the line.
    Is it legal to play online poker in North Carolina? The answer to this question is not that simple. The general laws in North Carolina prohibit any form of online gambling. It doesn’t license operators to offer online poker, online casinos, or online sports betting within North Carolina. Poker Sites Traffic Report & Online Poker News PokerStars also offers some of its regular staples such as the NJ Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) and Bounty Builder series. Players can even qualify for live tournament events as part of PokerStars Live. “Sweepstakes” online poker sites operate in the US according to the states’ sweepstakes laws. They are not exactly real money online poker sites, but players can win cash. It does not appear as if legal online poker for real money will be available in California any time soon. When it comes to gambling expansion in the state, the current focus is on possibly introducing sports betting. While such an expansion could include online sports betting in California, other types of online gambling — including online poker — are not part of the discussion at present.

  8. glive

    From 1889 to 2017, Spurs home ground was White Hart Lane. Construction of the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, partially on the same site, forced Spurs to play European fixtures at Wembley Stadium in 2016 17. The new venue is the third largest club stadium in England, and the biggest in London. The stadium has a retractable grass pitch which reveals an artificial turf American football field underneath, used for NFL games.  Home ▸ Injury Newsroom ▸ Teams Δdocument.getElementById( “ak_js_1” ).setAttribute( “value”, ( new Date() ).getTime() ); }} In 2016, Spurs had chased Leicester down for the title and were favourites to lift the trophy during the season with the Foxes expected to drop off. Brentford come from behind to beat Tottenham in North LondonThe visitors were level early in the second half, and it was a terrific finish from Mbeumo, who worked some space inside the Spurs box before drilling the ball into the bottom corner.
    Bruno Fernandes thinks Manchester United should be going all out to sign Portugal international Goncalo Ramos from Benfica. SAMI MOKBEL AT THE GTECH COMMUNITY STADIUM: Manchester City’s 59th game of a marathon campaign ended in rare defeat. Ten Hag says Greenwood has ‘shown he can score goals’ for Manchester United Sports Brief also reported on Benjamin Mendy’s rare appearance as Manchester City lifted the Premier League trophy. SAMI MOKBEL AT THE GTECH COMMUNITY STADIUM: Manchester City’s 59th game of a marathon campaign ended in rare defeat. Source: Manchester City Stats & History Bruno Fernandes thinks Manchester United should be going all out to sign Portugal international Goncalo Ramos from Benfica. Both the blue and red side of Manchester made it through their respective FA Cup semi-final clashes.

  9. Alots

    We do thorough research and find out as much as possible about the online casinos we present to players. We look into aspects such as player reviews, security, history in the industry, and gaming licenses. Before we present any online casino or real money slot game, the best online casinos must first prove themselves to be reputable. When it comes to player information, reputable online casinos should have the latest encryption technology to ensure that player data is encrypted at all times. Many players prefer the convenience of being able to access their favourite casino games when they’re on the go, so it is important to consider a casino’s mobile site. All of the UK online casinos we recommend offer a user-friendly mobile-responsive website that is optimised for mobile devices. Many of them also have a native Android or iOS app, and each one has a wide selection of games that are available on mobile. Our casino experts also make sure that the mobile casinos have a reliable and secure mobile payment and withdrawal system in place.
    In the past, most online casinos had a downloadable version of their software and an instant play version to be accessed in a browser. With the advance of mobile phones and tablets, this distinction has been rendered obsolete and it’s hard to find a casino that still offers software to be downloaded to a player’s computer. Betfair casino has shown pros and cons in its over two decades long service history. Ultimately, deciding whether the casino is for you depends on your needs and tastes. Suppose you are in the market for a casino with sports betting options, a traditional casino game library, and diverse payment methods. In that case, Betfair is as good as they come. On the other hand, if you want a more casino-centric platform with a bigger game library, check out our list of other potential casinos.

  10. weany

    50 Free Spins for White Lotus Casino. Code: SKRILL100. 50 Free Spins for all existing players Wagering: 30x(D+B) Expires on 2021-08-17. With this bonus you can play: Storm Lord Slot. Check casino cashier to redeem casino bonuses. Min deposit required: R100. Play White Lotus Casino. White Lotus Casino has successfully passed standard verification and has justly taken 0.7 quality rating position in our list. What is the average payoff period in White Lotus Casino? The usual term of payment in Online Casino is from one to twenty-four hours. This bonus offer is subject to an x60 wagering requirement, which is mandatory. In case of failure to comply with it, the casino will permanently delete all your winnings. But by the way, this casino allows its customers to play using bitcoin, so all your winnings can be transferred to this cryptocurrency.
    In recent years many online casinos have changed their marketing offers, replacing no deposit bonuses with free spin offers. While different, this option can still be an ideal way to play in real money mode with no risk to your bankroll for a chance to win cash money. 888 Casino is one of the most popular casinos available to online and mobile players. 888 offers some of the best free spin bonuses around and it is great for new players signing up for the first time. Book of Dead is one of the most popular slot games here and hence why they offer fantastic free spin bonuses for this impressive slot. Be sure to check 888’s promotions page as offers tend to vary over time. T&Cs apply and should be read before agreeing to any offer, this saves any confusion and clears up any questions. The most popular Michigan online casino bonus is the no deposit bonus, which is a way to claim some free money without having to stake any cash of your own. New players can get a decent chunk of change, and experienced players can find an occasional smaller boost. You’ll find no deposit bonuses take on smaller limits and stricter conditions to make them count. They’re worth the hoops you have to jump through to get the Michigan online casino free play. For more detailed information about no deposit bonus offers and how to claim them, see below.

  11. tog

    This week Ethereum – the world’s second largest cryptocurrency – will release the biggest update ever seen in a digital currency, transforming how it operates and reducing its energy demands by as much as 99 per cent. Why is “the Merge” happening, and what will be the effect? Short products allow investors to short cryptocurrency (bet on the price of an asset going down). In the case of last week, investors flocked to put their money on the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum continuing to decline. The difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin has caught the attention of major market players like Goldman Sachs, which recently noted to its investors that Ethereum has a good chance of surpassing the $660 billion market capitalization of Bitcoin. An important perspective to maintain on the two cryptocurrencies is that they are not directly competitive and their fates will likely be independent of one another. It is entirely possible that either or both can be wildly successful or fail completely in the long run. If an investor wants to own a cryptocurrency, BTC and ETH are the leading choices and are readily available on major crypto exchanges, but the choice between them will likely come down to the investor’s view of the opportunity for a decentralized global digital currency (BTC) vs. the need for a platform of decentralized applications that make use of digital smart contracts (ETH).
    But more importantly, the setup trendline at $21.5 would likely represent the most significant hurdle for NEO to overcome. Site Design by RC Website Design Company There are currently no items in this Watchlist. Given NEO’s volatility, its live price can change by a large amount in a very short space of time. The market cap of Neo is equal to the price of NEO multiplied by the number of NEO in circulation. © 2023 StockInvest.us from UAB Exigam Releases: In the context of cryptocurrencies, a Neo exchange can be termed as an online platform where buyers and sellers can get together and freely exchange Neo and its tokens, against fiat currencies or other cryptos. The platform functions as a mediator between buyers and sellers and is usually paid a commission for its services.  25.6K views|METAMORPHOSIS – INTERWORLD

  12. raw

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